Sunday 7 August 2011


Hey buddy, you there on facebook? Can i get your facebook id? Is he on facebook? Is she on facebook?
Ultimately what is Facebook? And why people are crazy about facebook?
Answers are right here... I am here to answer you that outta my experience...

FACEBOOK is the place where-
1. A girl's profile pic gets unlimited likes and comments but a guy hardly gets any.
2. The status of a girl with just a "Hi" fetches more comments than a real status posted by a guy.
3. Its a place to flirt, chat, celebrate, share and act something more than you originally are.
4. You try to be too smart but fall prey to others who are in your friends list but aren't your friends.
5. A guy talks to a girl through FB chat, the mystery is, is she really a girl????
6. Its a place where people forget old friends and search for new girlfriends.
7. So its a place where people are fake, relations are fake and yes i guarantee you yourself are fake there. 

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